Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Inspiration of the Day

I'm so glad I discovered this via Frank Stockton's blog...John Kricfalusi's blog! aka, the creator of Ren & Stimpy!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Catching up on Nov. People

November people from the 9th to the 16th (excluding the Grinch...).

Some characters for my Game Design class.

Friday, November 13, 2009

VMFA Portfolio

I'm submitting these for the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts undergrad fellowship grant. Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Sorry for the lack of art lately. I've been working on my portfolio for a fellowship. I'll scan the pictures soon!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Some Art #11 and November 7, 8

Nov. 7th: my Concept Drawing teacher on the right.

Nov. 8th: me on the bottom.

Practice drawings for my body of work in painting class (there's still more to add on the picture above).

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Some Art #9 and November 4

The person-I-know-and-decided-to-draw today is one of my classmates, Kendal (with the glasses).

Tonight, I decided to go to a sex talk seminar because my teacher said to do so for extra credit. Turns out it was fun! Especially when someone asks about fisting and if there should be such a thing as "consent"...I don't understand, either. But hey, that's college for ya.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 1, 2, 3

My first personal project, and already I start it late...So here are my three people for the three first days. The three smaller drawings of people equal one big drawing of a person. My logic makes so much sense!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Some Art #8

The corner of Main St. and Harrison St. nearby the wonderful Piccola's...mmm.

In-progress drawing of the VCU library. Needs more random people.

Yes, I do think it's fun to draw my grocery list...especially since I always use the same list, so why not? And me with the normal faces I make. And a chibi dinner with Corey, Tin and Ameenah!

Some warm-ups in Concept Drawing class. The objective was to draw my favorite shoe, bike, and family car (all from my past). This includes a Barbie was my pride and joy. You'll see this page again because I'll be adding more to it.